Saturday, January 12, 2013

26 Reasons Why Berkeley Is Cool As Fuck.

#1. Everything is political. Everything. 

#2. Flashmobs are frequent. This one was to ANIMAL by Miike Snow and everyone was dressed in gold capes.
#3. This is what Subway in Berkeley looks like.
 #4. Their libraries are beautiful.

#5. The profs write in multicolored chalk.
 #6. Their buskers are better than yours.

 #7. Students study on rooftops.
#8. Everybody is fucking funny.

 #9. Stupidly scenic.

#10. They are all fuckin' hippies.

#11. Profs are all totally nuts.

 #12. Everybody is, like, REALLY nice and nobody is ignorant.

 #13. Art. Everywhere. All the time.

 #14. This exists on campus.

 #15. They take 'lawn chairs' very seriously.

#16. They have this kind of weather.

 #17. They levitate fuckin' rocks in science class like Hogwarts.

 #18. Their mascot is creepy as fuck.

#19. Starbucks? Please. Their cafes look like this.
#20. They play a fuckload of beer pong.

#21. They have an intense rivalry with Stanford and everybody goes to the games and probably tailgates and does all sorts of fun shit that students at Canadian universities don't get to do.
 #22. This marina exists minutes from campus.

#23. Cherry blossoms. Everywhere.

#24. There is an obese squirrel on campus who everyone knows as 'Fat Bastard'.

#25. They have a small communal....animal of some kind named Tarturo who is moved to different spots around campus and just chills out.
#26. Everybody dresses however the fuck they feel like and look awesome doing so.

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